杨忠愿 2012-06-11
摘要:教育主体已经成为了现代教育的主要课题。文章注重研究教学活动中师生之间的互动关系。尊重教学本质,师生之间的任何一种教育活动能得到促进,教育结果取决于教育主体部分是否充分地起到作用。 关键词:教育主体;参与;策略
高职高专院校创办十多年来,英语教学一直都在围绕职业教育不断地进行深化改革。传统的以教师为主体的单一课堂教学模式已经远离了我们的视线,人们越来越注意到:具有素质教育理念的英语课堂应该从围绕“语言素质”和“综合素质”两大方面体现英语教学的多元性。具体而言,语言素质就是学生获得语言知识,发展语言运用能力;而综合素质是指增进学生的人文和科学知识,发展学生学习并获得技能的能力。无论“语言素质”或“综合素质”的培养,教师们都越来越重视学生主体性的发挥,关于高职英语主体性教学模式的探讨也日益深入。主体性教学模式否定了教师“一言堂”的教学形式,而转变为以学生为主体开展教学活动。其主要理念是:确立教学活动中学生的主体地位,注重教学活动中师生之间的互动关系,教师注重发挥学生的自我探索与理解能力,促进学生全面素质的提高。 任务驱动对主体性教学的意义 (一)任务驱动 “任务驱动”是指在教学过程中,学生在教师的帮助下,围绕着一个共同的任务开展学习活动,在问题解决的动机驱动下,对学习资源进行收集、整理和分析,通过自主探索和协作学习完成既定任务。这种教学方式建立在建构主义教学理论基础上,其基本特征是“以任务为主线、教师为主导、学生为主体”。它强调任务目标明确、教学情境创建有效,引导学生带着真实的任务实践和学习。 (二)主体性教学 主体性教学是指在教学过程中尊重并确立学生的主体地位,以学生的认知规律和需求为依据,充分发挥学生的主体作用,全面调动学生的学习积极性、主动性,引导学生自觉参与到学习活动的全过程,从而成为学习活动的实践者,成为学习的主人的一种教学模式。在高职英语教学中实践这一教学模式,体现了以学生为中心,兼顾语言素质和综合素质的培养的原则。 (三)任务驱动对主体性教学的作用 在高职英语课中引入“任务驱动”教学,就是赋予学生一个真实或仿真实的学习情境,引导学生在一个个典型的 “任务”的驱动下开展语言学习活动,通过由简到繁、由易到难、循序渐进地完成一系列语言学习“任务”。学习情境的设定有利于学习动机的激发,学习任务由简到繁的设置有助于学生学习兴趣的维持,将枯燥的语言技能操练转变成典型的语言应用任务,能够最大的提高学生的学习参与积极性,有利于全面而明确的评价学生的学习效果。总体来说,将“任务驱动”的学习模式与高职英语主体性教学相结合,有助于使学生在英语学习过程中实现以下几个转变:由被动学习转向主动学习,由单向学习转向多维学习,由盲目学习转向科学学习,由维持性学习转向创造性学习,从而使他们真正学会学习,在提高自身语言能力的同时获得终身学习的能力。
二、基于任务驱动的高职英语主体性教学实践案例分析 阅读下面的案例,完成后面的任务: It is common for companies to promote their products by having some sort of competition with large prizes. For example; a company might have a contest to see who can come up with the best slogan to promote a certain product. Another company might ask contestants to write in approximately 50 words why they prefer a particular product. Soft-drink companies often have competitions that involve both small amounts of money and other prizes. However, Pepsi, a leading soft-drink company, recently had a competition with a very rich prize.To participate in this contest, people had to purchase a bottle of Pepsi and look under the cap on the bottle. Customers could win prizes ranging from a free soft drink to one million dollars! Because of this contest, two workers in a health foods store recently had a problem regarding a Pepsi. Judy Richardson bought a Pepsi, which she left unopened in the refrigerator at work. Sindy Allen, a coworker who worked the night shift, saw the soft drink in the refrigerator and decided to drink it. After opening it, Allen discovered that the bottle cap had the million-dollar prize. Richardson says that the Pepsi was hers and that the million-dollar prize should be hers. Allen says that she found the Pepsi in the refrigerator at work and that there is no way to prove that it is Richardson’s drink. She said that she was cleaning the refrigerator and asked if the Pepsi belonged to anyone. Richardson has no receipt for the soft drink. Former co-workers at the store testified that Richardson was practically addicted to Pepsi and that the area where Richardson left the soft drink was the spot where she usually kept her bottles of Pepsi. Allen offered to split the money with Richardson, but Richardson refused. The winner of this contest would not get a lump sum of one million dollars but rather an annual payment of fifty thousand dollars for 20 years. The two women went to court when they could not resolve this issue amicably. 任务1 假如你是法官,你将把这笔奖金判决给Richardson 还是Allen?并说出你如此判决的理由。 任务2 小组讨论,陈述各自的判决和理由; 任务3 四到六个人为一组进行讨论,每人要完成一项如下的交流活动: 步骤1 你交流活动的议题是什么? 步骤2 把与你同组的同学名单写出来; 步骤3 你对所发生的事件有何感想?为何你有这种想法?并写出来; 步骤4 按任务2介绍你自己的情况,说说你对这个问题的看法,告诉同组人员你对发生的事情的判决及陈述你的理由,并随意问问其他成员的问题及对他们的陈述给予评论。 在这个教学案例中,教师首先设定了一个学习的情境:“假如你是法官”;明确了总体的学习任务:“你将把这笔奖金判决给Richardson 还是Allen?并说出你如此判决的理由。”为了完成这个任务,学生要进行阅读理解、语言交际等综合技能的锻炼,并通过分组讨论的形式将任务由简到繁层层分解,协作完成。可以说,本案例较为典型的体现了任务驱动教学 “以任务为主线、教师为主导、学生为主体” 的基本特征,也突出高职英语主体性教学模式中的强调的“教师主导、学生主体”的基本原则。
Abstract: The teaching of main body has become a theme of modern education. It lays stress on the principal part between teachers and students. In respect to the essence, any kind of teaching activity between the main body of the teachers and the students can be promoted. What the teaching result will be like relies on whether or not the main parts can function properly. Key words: the teaching of main body; having a hand in; tactics