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Journal of Mountain Science
Journal of Mountain Science
Journal of Mountain Science投稿要求
Journal of Mountain Science杂志投稿须知:Author informationThe authors should provide the following information for all authors when submitting a paper: author names, institutions, mailing addresses, email addresses, and research interest. Each letter of the family names of all authors should be capitalized. AuthorshipAuthorship of articles is hugely important in academic careers as it is used to measure research productivity and as the basis for decisions on appointments, promotions, tenure and funding.The authorship of academic papers should reflect who did the work. Papers submitted to the JMS should follow these rules:
1、 A person who has not made a sufficient contribution to the work should not be included in the authors.。
2、 A person who has contributed substantially should be included in the authors.。
3、 If there are two or more authors, the corresponding author should be assigned. The first author will be taken as the corresponding author when no corresponding author is assigned.。
4、 All authors must sign to consent the submission.A cover letter with signature by all authors is required when the manuscript is submitted. 。
5、The author list and the author sequence should be fixed before submission. Requests to add or delete authors at revision stage or after submission can only be considered after receipt of written approval from all original authors and a detailed explanation from the corresponding author about the role/deletion of the new/deleted author (s). Once an authorship dispute arises before publication, the process should be halted until the dispute is resolved. Changes of authorship or in the order of authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript.Figures and Tables The Copyright and License Policies that apply to articles also apply to figures. Please do not submit any figures, photos, or tables that have been previously copyrighted unless you have and can supply written permission from the copyright holder to publish under the CC-BY or CC0 license. Without this, we cannot publish the figures.Figures (photographs, graphs and diagram) should be in high quality, and in TIFF format. The TIFF figures should be saved at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi (dots per inch) at final size. TIFF file, especially those containing color, should be large. We encourage authors to provide color figures. Figure legends should be related to figures or plates, and they should be placed outside the figures or plates, NOT inside. The size of all letters and symbols should be appropriately fitting figures. The plate number and author's (photographer) name should be placed below or beside plates. Words in the figures must be in Times New Roman. Suggested figure sizes are 7-8 cm or 14-16 cm at width with font size at 8-9 point.Tables should be editable in Microsoft Word easily, i.e., they should NOT be in picture format. Table titles should be concise and exactly to explain what the table shows.ReferencesThe references are listed by the "author-publishing year" system. When a reference is cited in the text, the author(s) name(s) should be given if there are one or two authors (Zhang and Li 2009). If there are more than two authors, et al. is added after the first author. The year of publication should be indicated after the author(s) name(s)( Zhang et al. 2000). If a same author has more than one paper cited in one year, a, b, c … should be added after year of publication (Guo 2001a). When two or more references are cited in the same place in the text, ";" should be added between them (Zhang et al. 2000; Guo 2001a).References after the text (cited list) should be a list of all the sources used in your paper, and arranged alphabetically by author's last name (family name), or when there is no author, by the first word of the title (except A, An or The). The author name should be written in the form of family name (written in full) first and then the initials (the capitalized first letter of the given name). The year of publication, the volume number of journals, the page range, the place of publication and the name of the publisher for each book cited should be provided in the references. For Non-English publication, the language should be marked at the end. All the items in reference should be shown as complete unabbreviated source citation except for author's name. All the listed references should be cited in the text.For journal articles,Doi should be added at the end of each item of reference if they have ones. Please refer to the following examples for the reference.1、 Book or monographShrestha TB, Joshi RM (1996) Rare, endemic and endangered plants of Nepal. Kathmandu: WWF, Nepal Program. p 244、Hao F, Quan J, Yang ZS, et al. (2000) Land Resources of Yunnan, Kunming, China. Yunnan Science and Technology Press. pp 60-62、 (In Chinese)2、 ThesisDeConto RM (1996) Late Cretaceous Climate, Vegetation, and Ocean Interactions: an Earth System Approach to Modeling an Extreme Climate. PhD thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. p 10.3、 Paper from a proceedings or monographSmaling EMA, Nandwa SS, Janssen BH (1997) Soil fertility in Africa is at stake. In: Buresh RJ et al. (eds.), Replenishing Soil Fertility in Africa. SSSA Special Publication No. 51、 Wisconsin, USA. pp 47-61、4、 Paper from a serial publicationKuhle M, Kuhle S (2010) Review on dating methods: numerical dating in the quaternary geology of high Asia. Journal of Mountain Science 7: 105-122、DOI: 10.1007/s11629-010-1116-1Cui P, Hu KH, Zhuang JQ, et al. (2011) Debris flow discharge calculation and inundation simulation. Journal of Mountain Science 8: 1-9.DOI: 10.1007/s11629-011-2040-8
Journal of Mountain Science杂志简介
《Journal of Mountain Science》是由中国科学院主管,中国科学院·水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所主办的国际性全英文期刊。主办单位中国科学院·水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所是我国唯一专门从事山地研究的科研机构。
《Journal of Mountain Science》主要发表在自然条件和人类活动影响下山地环境演变与可持续发展的研究论文和知名专家的综述性文章,选题范围主要包括应对气候变化背景下的山地科学研究、山地环境演变及其与人类活动的关系,山地生态系统退化与修复,以泥石流、滑坡、土壤侵蚀为重点的山地灾害的动力过程及防治理论和技术,山区流域管理与开发治理,山区特色资源保护和开发,山区文化多样性和民族经济发展,山区少数民族问题与居民福利等。
Journal of Mountain Science统计分析
Journal of Mountain Science杂志权威度很高,同事也有在上面文章,里面文章质量都很好,让人受益匪浅,这个网站物流很快,卖家态度很好,宝贝的印刷很清晰。
感觉Journal of Mountain Science杂志快成我们专业的灌水杂志了,不过编辑老师很负责,亲自打电话过来询问一个表格的问题。如果不是急着毕业,建议只要有一点创新性的文章,还是往其他杂志投吧!
10月24号投的稿,编辑部回信说“40天内不采用的稿件邮件通知”,到了第四十二天,没收到任何消息,发邮件去查询了一下,以下是编辑回复内容“ 您好!专家审查认为,您的稿件×××××有一定的意义,本刊拟采用。关于稿件的事项,大约3周后我们会再与您联系(我们按照来稿日期处理稿件)。”呵呵,效率很高的哟。
Journal of Mountain Science的专审意见很鲜明,第一次专审给了两条意见,很中肯。编辑对文章的排版要求高,后边两次返修都是改格式。修改后录用,推荐投稿!!
Journal of Mountain Science杂志审稿速度还可以,流程很是规范,非常感谢编辑,你们辛勤而认真的工作态度,超赞的。总体来说审稿速度还是比较快的,只要文章比较全面,有创新点,一般都有机会中的。
Journal of Mountain Science编辑处理速度很快,而且人也相当nice,外审也相当快,建议投稿!初审,外审,主编终审速度非常快,到了编辑加工后就慢了,可能是因为投稿数量多的缘故,编辑部老师非常好。初次投稿,有幸被中!
Q:论文发表的时候可以一稿多投吗? |
A:一稿多投的行为是典型的学术不端的行为,是国内外学术界都明令禁止的行为,原因主要在于涉及到文章版权归属的问题,如果作者的文章已经被某个杂志社录用,或者同时被两家杂志社录用,就会涉及到版权纠纷,作为杂志社都会保护本社的合法权益,到这时作者就会比较麻烦,吃官司都是小事儿了,被打入黑名单降级降职影响可就太大了。 |
Q:职称论文发表对时间有限制吗? |
A:职称论文发表并没有明确规定截止时间,需要作者结合自己所在地区的具体规定自己安排发表时间,一般职称评审,各地区都会明确规定申报材料的最后期限和截止日期,我们结合这个日期来考虑何时发表文章就可以,大部分地区职称评审都集中在每年的8-10月之间,有的地区要求7月中旬开始交材料,最晚8月底之前,有的则是要求8月中旬交,还有部分地区要求截止时间为申报时间上年的12月31日,所以,各个地区的具体要求并不同,申报者需要在提交材料前确保自己的文章已经见刊并且被相应的数据库检索即可。 |
Q:网上发表论文如何防骗?可靠网站与可疑网站如何区分? |
A:由于发表论文的需求远远多于杂志版面的供应,再加上众所周知的审稿难!审稿慢!选择论文发表网站发表表论文确实能解决以上问题。卖方市场的出现加之发表论文的刚性需求,就导致出现先付款后发表的现状。论文发表网站正规与否是通过网站从始至终所提供服务体现出来的,任何交易只要存在时间差都会有风险,但这个风险是可以通过您的智慧来避免的。因为不是所有论文网站都是骗子,你要做的就是过滤掉没保障的网站,选择可靠的论文发表网站! |
Q:一般期刊需要提前多久准备? |
A:省级、国家级期刊建议至少提前6个月准备。一般来讲,杂志社为了确保每期杂志正常出刊,都会提前将当期之后1-3个月的稿件提前安排好,而一些创刊较早,认可度更高的热门期刊,来稿量较大,发表周期可能就会更久。提前准备,意味着杂志的可选择性更多。 |
Q:核心期刊需要提前多久准备? |
A:核心期刊建议至少提前12个月准备,核心期刊正常的审稿周期为1-3个月,且审核严格,退稿、返修几率更大,这意味着在流程上耗费的时间更久,且核心期刊版面有限,投稿竞争更加激烈,即使被录用,排刊也比普通期刊晚很多,因此需要更早准备。 |