International Journal of Automation & Computing投稿地址
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International Journal of Automation & Computing
International Journal of Automation & Computing
International Journal of Automation & Computing投稿要求
International Journal of Automation & Computing杂志投稿须知:General:Manuscripts must be typed in double-column format. Authors are advised to use our template to prepare your submissions.The fax number, e-mail address and postal address of the corresponding author, who should easily be identified with an asterisk and footnote, should be given. Full postal addresses of all co-authors must be included.Text:Manuscripts should include the following parts (in order): Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgement if applicable, Appendices, References and Biographies.Figures:All figures must be provided in a camera-ready form, which are suitable for reproduction. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Fig(s)." and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should be included within the text. Every figure must have a caption.Tables:Tables should be numbered consecutively with suitable captions.References:All publications cited in the text should be presented in the reference list at the end of the manuscript. References must be listed in the order they were cited (numerical order). It is not necessary to mention the author(s) of the reference unless it is relevant to your text. The names of all authors should be given in the references unless the number of authors is greater than six. If there are more than six authors, you may use et al. after the name of the first author. An example of references is given below:[1] A. Isidori, A remark on the problem of semiglobal nonlinear output regulation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 1734-1738, 1997.Reference manager software, Endnote, Reference Manager or other similar software, is suggested to be used. Then spelling errors and fault information can be avoided.Illustrations:All illustrations must be provided in a camera-ready form, which are suitable for reproduction. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should be included within the text. Every figure must have a caption.Tables:Tables should be numbered consecutively with suitable captions.Biographies:A short biography of every author should be provided for regular papers and brief papers.Cover letter:A cover letter must be submitted along with the manuscript, stating that the manuscript has been read and approved in final form by all authors. Authors should ensure that the manuscript has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.PublicationThe corresponding author will receive an email when the manuscript is accepted. Please prepare the final version according to the requirement in this email.Format:When a manuscript is accepted for publication, it should be put in the LaTeX format. Download the IJAC Template.Language polishing:The final version will be sent to editors for editing and English language polishing.
International Journal of Automation & Computing杂志简介
International Journal of Automation and computing is a publication of Institute of Automation, the Chinese Academy of Sciencs and Chinese Automation and computing Society in the United Kingdom.
The Journal publishes papers on original theoretical and experimental research and development in automation and computing. The scope of the journal is extensive.
Topics include; artificial intelligence, automatic control, bioinformatics, computer sciene, information technology, modeling and simulation, networks and communications, optimization and decision, pattern recognition, robotics, signal processing, and systems engineering.
International Journal of Automation & Computing统计分析
第一次投International Journal of Automation & Computing杂志, 20天给了意见。两个审稿人,一个小修,一个大修,整体意见大修。四天修改好后上传,八天后直接接收。挺好的一杂志。效率非常高。
审稿大概1个月的时间,中间小修一次,然后就终审了,International Journal of Automation & Computing的效率还可以。接电话的编辑态度也很好,很有耐心的和你一起探讨论文中的问题。推荐投稿!
International Journal of Automation & Computing是全新的,编写的很好,有兴趣的朋友可以看看。还是很不错的,讲解很详细,也有很多拓展。有帮助,很好的文笔和思想。此书是目前为止读到的最值得推荐给所有人看的好书。
International Journal of Automation & Computing审稿快,一个月内给审稿意见。编辑很负责,对录用的稿件详细润色。审稿期间给编辑部老师打一个电话询问一下,需要经常保持沟通,不然很可能耽误编辑部处理和刊出。
对International Journal of Automation & Computing杂志的编辑老师确实应给高度评价!本以为这是一个一般杂志,灌灌水而已,没想到审稿专家没一个字的修改意见,编辑老师返回的编辑稿对论文的语言逻辑、表达、规范等很多内容作了很详细的审查,给出了很详细的修改意见或建议,并说明了原因,还多次邮件电话沟通。狂顶啊!能让学生进步的好老师!
Q:论文发表的时候可以一稿多投吗? |
A:一稿多投的行为是典型的学术不端的行为,是国内外学术界都明令禁止的行为,原因主要在于涉及到文章版权归属的问题,如果作者的文章已经被某个杂志社录用,或者同时被两家杂志社录用,就会涉及到版权纠纷,作为杂志社都会保护本社的合法权益,到这时作者就会比较麻烦,吃官司都是小事儿了,被打入黑名单降级降职影响可就太大了。 |
Q:职称论文发表对时间有限制吗? |
A:职称论文发表并没有明确规定截止时间,需要作者结合自己所在地区的具体规定自己安排发表时间,一般职称评审,各地区都会明确规定申报材料的最后期限和截止日期,我们结合这个日期来考虑何时发表文章就可以,大部分地区职称评审都集中在每年的8-10月之间,有的地区要求7月中旬开始交材料,最晚8月底之前,有的则是要求8月中旬交,还有部分地区要求截止时间为申报时间上年的12月31日,所以,各个地区的具体要求并不同,申报者需要在提交材料前确保自己的文章已经见刊并且被相应的数据库检索即可。 |
Q:网上发表论文如何防骗?可靠网站与可疑网站如何区分? |
A:由于发表论文的需求远远多于杂志版面的供应,再加上众所周知的审稿难!审稿慢!选择论文发表网站发表表论文确实能解决以上问题。卖方市场的出现加之发表论文的刚性需求,就导致出现先付款后发表的现状。论文发表网站正规与否是通过网站从始至终所提供服务体现出来的,任何交易只要存在时间差都会有风险,但这个风险是可以通过您的智慧来避免的。因为不是所有论文网站都是骗子,你要做的就是过滤掉没保障的网站,选择可靠的论文发表网站! |
Q:一般期刊需要提前多久准备? |
A:省级、国家级期刊建议至少提前6个月准备。一般来讲,杂志社为了确保每期杂志正常出刊,都会提前将当期之后1-3个月的稿件提前安排好,而一些创刊较早,认可度更高的热门期刊,来稿量较大,发表周期可能就会更久。提前准备,意味着杂志的可选择性更多。 |
Q:核心期刊需要提前多久准备? |
A:核心期刊建议至少提前12个月准备,核心期刊正常的审稿周期为1-3个月,且审核严格,退稿、返修几率更大,这意味着在流程上耗费的时间更久,且核心期刊版面有限,投稿竞争更加激烈,即使被录用,排刊也比普通期刊晚很多,因此需要更早准备。 |