Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering投稿地址
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering详细信息
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering投稿要求
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering杂志投稿须知:A. Manuscript style1) Typed on single-sided A4 or 8 x 11 inch good quality white paper, single-spaced, 10-point font,and one-inch margins on all four sides, including the reference section.2) The text should be carefully checked for typing errors, English grammar, spelling, and punctuation, etc.3) Please provide a title of up to 70 characters, the names and affiliations of all authors, an abstract summarizing the manuscript in 100 to 250 words, followed by no more than six keywords for indexing purposes.4) The length of the manuscript should not exceed 20 typed, single-spaced pages including figures,tables, references and appendices.5) Citations in the text should be identified as follows: (Author(s), Year)6) References should appear in a separate section at the end of the manuscript and should only include works cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication.References must be complete, accurate, and listed in the following style:Example for papers: Cachon, G.P. & Zipkin, P.H. (1999). Competitive and cooperative inventorypolicies in a two-stage supply chain. Management Science, 45(7): 936-953Example for books: Sage, A.P. (1992). Systems Engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.B.Figures, charts, diagrams, tables and illustrations1) Originals of all figures, charts, diagrams, tables and illustrations should be in good quality,sharp, noise-free, and easy-to-read.2) Figures, charts, diagrams, tables and illustrations should be numbered consecutively using Roman numerals with a brief figure legend and labeled axes.C. Further information1) The editorial office will acknowledge receipt of manuscripts submitted by email.2) Each manuscript submitted is subjected to a blind peer-review procedure. The decision to publish will then be based on the reviewers’ comments. Reviews take approximately 10 to 12 weeks to obtain. Please calculate an additional several months for the publication processes.
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering杂志简介
《Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering》于1992创办,是由中国系统工程学会主办的期刊。
《Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering》是《中国科学引文数据库》来源期刊,被美国科学引文索引(SCIE)、美国工程索引(EI)和英国科学文摘(SA)等多家国内、外著名检索系统收录。
《Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering》是面向高科技开发和应用的跨学科期刊,以传播新技术、促进学术交流为宗旨,坚持深度与广度、理论与应用相结合的方针,努力反映系统工程与电子技术两大领域的最新成就,报道的主要内容包括:系统科学、军事系统分析、飞行器控制、雷达、光电探测技术、信息获取与处理、运筹学管理与决策技术等。
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering统计分析
6月初投了Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering杂志,一直没有消息,月底打电话问,还在外审。7月初收到退修通知,修改后返回,副编辑回复很快,让修改了两处格式,然后通知录用。编辑很负责。
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering速度很快,一个月内就有结果了,稿件投递之后会回复稿件编号,审稿意见也比较中肯,稿件修改之后编辑处理很快,短期内就会有录用通知。
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering价格便宜,杂志都是正品,以前全是在邮局买,看来选择这里很不错了,优惠了很多,发货及时,包装认真,完好快捷的收到商品,依然续订。
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering是正规期刊吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering是什么级别的期刊?是核心期刊吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering评职称可以吗?单位认可吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering是北大核心吗?是中文核心吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering是科技核心吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering是统计源核心吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering是南大核心CSSCI吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering是CSCD期刊吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering是国家级期刊吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering是SCD期刊吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering是国家新闻出版署第一批、第二批学术期刊吗?
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering好投吗?Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering简介
Q:论文发表的时候可以一稿多投吗? |
A:一稿多投的行为是典型的学术不端的行为,是国内外学术界都明令禁止的行为,原因主要在于涉及到文章版权归属的问题,如果作者的文章已经被某个杂志社录用,或者同时被两家杂志社录用,就会涉及到版权纠纷,作为杂志社都会保护本社的合法权益,到这时作者就会比较麻烦,吃官司都是小事儿了,被打入黑名单降级降职影响可就太大了。 |
Q:职称论文发表对时间有限制吗? |
A:职称论文发表并没有明确规定截止时间,需要作者结合自己所在地区的具体规定自己安排发表时间,一般职称评审,各地区都会明确规定申报材料的最后期限和截止日期,我们结合这个日期来考虑何时发表文章就可以,大部分地区职称评审都集中在每年的8-10月之间,有的地区要求7月中旬开始交材料,最晚8月底之前,有的则是要求8月中旬交,还有部分地区要求截止时间为申报时间上年的12月31日,所以,各个地区的具体要求并不同,申报者需要在提交材料前确保自己的文章已经见刊并且被相应的数据库检索即可。 |
Q:网上发表论文如何防骗?可靠网站与可疑网站如何区分? |
A:由于发表论文的需求远远多于杂志版面的供应,再加上众所周知的审稿难!审稿慢!选择论文发表网站发表表论文确实能解决以上问题。卖方市场的出现加之发表论文的刚性需求,就导致出现先付款后发表的现状。论文发表网站正规与否是通过网站从始至终所提供服务体现出来的,任何交易只要存在时间差都会有风险,但这个风险是可以通过您的智慧来避免的。因为不是所有论文网站都是骗子,你要做的就是过滤掉没保障的网站,选择可靠的论文发表网站! |
Q:一般期刊需要提前多久准备? |
A:省级、国家级期刊建议至少提前6个月准备。一般来讲,杂志社为了确保每期杂志正常出刊,都会提前将当期之后1-3个月的稿件提前安排好,而一些创刊较早,认可度更高的热门期刊,来稿量较大,发表周期可能就会更久。提前准备,意味着杂志的可选择性更多。 |
Q:核心期刊需要提前多久准备? |
A:核心期刊建议至少提前12个月准备,核心期刊正常的审稿周期为1-3个月,且审核严格,退稿、返修几率更大,这意味着在流程上耗费的时间更久,且核心期刊版面有限,投稿竞争更加激烈,即使被录用,排刊也比普通期刊晚很多,因此需要更早准备。 |