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Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine投稿要求

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine杂志投稿须知:Abstract;A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, References should be avoided, but if essential, then cite the author(s) and year(s). Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.Keywords;Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 keywords, using American spelling and avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, 'and', 'of'). Be sparing with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.Abbreviations;Define abbreviations that are not standard in this field in a footnote to be placed on the first page of the article. Such abbreviations that are unavoidable in the abstract must be defined at their first mention there, as well as in the footnote. Ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the article.Acknowledgements;Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. List here those individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., providing language help, writing assistance or proof reading the article, etc.).Math formulae;Please submit math equations as editable text and not as images. Present simple formulae in line with normal text where possible and use the solidus instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms, e.g., X/Y. In principle, variables are to be presented in italics. Powers of e are often more conveniently denoted by exp. Number consecutively any equations that have to be displayed separately from the text (if referred to explicitly in the text).Footnotes;Footnotes should be used sparingly. Number them consecutively throughout the article. Many word processors can build footnotes into the text, and this feature may be used. Otherwise, please indicate the position of footnotes in the text and list the footnotes themselves separately at the end of the article. Do not include footnotes in the Reference list.

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine杂志简介

《中医杂志(英文版)》(季刊)(Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine )创刊于1981年,由中华中医药学会和中国中医科学院主办。

《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》关键主题包括针灸和电针,草药,顺势疗法,地方疗法,心理身体治疗,姑息治疗和其他CAM疗法。

《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》始终坚持发扬中医特色,以中医学术为本,同时推动和关注中医现代研究和中西医结合研究的发展;提高为主,兼顾普及;面向临床,兼重基础理论的正确办刊方针。本刊早在20世纪80年代就已经成为部级核心期刊,并多次在全国科技期刊评比中获奖。

《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》于2010年起被列为美国《科学引文索引(扩展库)》(SCI-E)来源期刊。这是我国中医期刊第二本SCI来源期刊,将对促进中医药国际化发展、中医标准化建设进程和国内中医药期刊质量提高起到积极的作用。

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine统计分析









谷*** :

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine杂志主编和各位编辑非常NICE,投稿后,第二天就送审,中途经历了专家拒审和超时,帮换专家外审,文章经过小修后录用,非常开心!第一次投核心杂志就中了!

2022-01-15 06:58:51

蒋*** :

审稿人能够准确指出,文章存在的不足,并提出修改建议。Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine有两个审稿人,一个审稿人给出比较肯定的意见,一个建议修后再审,然后就再审了。最后修改后给的录用。

2021-10-12 07:31:54

乐正*** :

给出了非常详细的审稿意见,因自身原因无法在该刊物上发表。但专家给出的详细及专业的建议却是同期刊中较为认真负责的。对Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine杂志老师表示歉意,希望能越办越好。

2021-07-15 18:31:29

贾*** :

作者笔触独到,观点鲜明,掷地有声!类似讲这方面的书浩如烟海,不过看看这本作品还是有耳目一新的感觉。我真是太喜欢Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,阅读起来酣畅淋漓又发人深省。

2021-05-17 00:47:01

娄*** :


2021-01-26 15:35:27

庄*** :


2020-12-07 07:03:05

贯丘*** :

个人认为Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine是不错的杂志,编辑真的很认真负责,由于本人文字功底较差,编辑将文章从头改到尾,连标点都没拉下。说实话,老板都没这么认真负责,哈哈。不说了,顶一下。

2020-07-20 08:51:17

闻*** :

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine杂志审稿速度非常快。只要提交就行。拒稿率很低,直接死在编辑手里的文章都是少数,两位审稿人,意见比较中肯。但文章出版速度较慢,一般要近1左右的时间。总体来说是一本不错的期刊。

2020-07-09 19:24:16

南宫*** :


2020-06-07 11:39:14

周*** :

一直买Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,挺好的,印刷好,图片清晰,内容也不错,价格实惠,送书速度也快,我很喜欢看这类经济书,以后会常来投稿网。有需要的,就下手吧,真的很不错。

2019-01-02 07:35:01

