
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering杂志是SCD期刊吗?

来源:投稿网2023-01-12 9:30:15

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering杂志不是SCD期刊,经查询Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering杂志不在最新的2023年SCD期刊目录中。

科学引文数据库(英文名:Science Citation Database,简称:SCD)是《中国大学评价》课题组独立研发、拥有全部知识产权的国内引文数据库。2023年最新版SCD《中国科学引文数据库》来源期刊目录已于2022年12月公布,共涉及14个大类学科2534本期刊,相较于去年2860本期刊,本次目录变更巨大。根据学科分类如下:

理学:共收录198本期刊 工学:共收录405本期刊
农学:共88本期刊 医学:共收录209本期刊
哲学:共收录52本期刊 经济学:共收录97本期刊
法学:共收录281本期刊 教育学:共收录142本期刊
文学:共收录164本期刊 历史学:共收录70本期刊
管理学:共收录172本期刊 艺术学:共收录83本期刊
交叉学科:4本期刊 综合学科:共收录569本期刊








Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering投稿要求

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering杂志投稿须知:

1、 Title and by-lineName, affiliation (institution) of the author(s), city, zip code, country, and email address of the author(s) should be given.。

2、 AbstractAbout 150–250 words without mathematical or chemical equations or citations should outline the objective, method, main results, and conclusions.。

3、 Key wordsProvide 3 to 6 key words or phrases for cross-indexing this article.。

4、 TextThe text should contain an Introduction that puts the paper into proper perspective for the reader, and should also contain Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions sections.。

5、 Figures & TablesEach figure, including a, b, c, etc. of each figure, must present the caption. Figures must be placed in the text and have their captions for each one, thus Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b, etc. There will be an extra charge for those graphics considered for publication in color. Authors are expected to use different line types to distinguish the different parts of a figure that they do not want to have published in color.All tables must be mentioned in the text in consecutive order and must be numbered with Arabic numbers.。

6、 AcknowledgementsIndividuals or units other than authors who were of direct help in the work could be acknowledged by a brief statement following the text.。

7、 References & CitationOnly essential references (journal article, book, thesis, report, proceedings, etc.) cited in the text (in Author-Year format) can be listed in alphabetical order by author’s surname. Personal communications and unpublished data are not acceptable references. For references with more than three authors, the first three names should be given, followed by et al.Text citation examples:One author: (Vandermeer, 1990)Two authors: (Sun and Wang, 2000; Cao and Xu, 2001)Three or more authors: (Moons et al., 1997; Schlag et al., 2000a; 2000b)

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